Thursday, February 27, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Columbia and Harvard Students Give Polynomial Examples

Marcus and Debbie Explain Polynomial Addition

 Lelanie, Mahnoor, and Kahley Show the Box Method of Multiplying Polynomials

De'Ja Shows the F.O.I.L. Method of Binomial Multiplication

Polynomials Extra Credit Review

Click here to Access Extra Credit Polynomials Review...

Be sure to study for tomorrow's CCA and Complete WebQuest... Show work on this review sheet for credit!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Great Writing In Math Class (Monomial Division Example)

These students provided explemary explanations for the last item on the Exponents Quiz.  One student was chosen from each class period who received a perfect score of 5 out of 5 on the writing prompt...

Vina (Brown) used the reciprocal to explain her answer... 
 Tammy (Princeton) proved why each other answer choice was incorrect...
 Deborah (Columbia) used cross products and the Product of Powers Rule...
 Chuong (Yale) also thought to solve for "a" and use the Quotient of Powers Rule....
 Connie (Harvard) used the Negative Exponent Rule and solving one-step equations...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DeJa and Katrina Show Algebraic Exponent Examples

Watch the following videos for more explanation of Exponent Operations...

Katrina Shows Area Example

De'Ja Explores Multiplication of Exponents

De'Ja Explores Division of Exponents (remember to reduce to 2/3 in the last step)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Systems of Equations (Extra Credit Review)

Click Here to View the Systems Extra Credit Review

Make sure to show all of your work or you will not receive credit... This activity can be used to boost your grade on your CCA (February 4th)...

Debbie Explains Solving Systems Using Substitution

Leilanie & Kahley Explains Solving Systems Using Graphing

Marcus Explains Solving Systems Using Elimination